What’s your time to production for artificial intelligence (AI) models? Train and analyze machine learning models with bergamot_ai via five simple steps. After training, let users infer and understand model predictions visually from within bergamot_ai. Finally, deploy performant AI & autoML models with a single click.

Upload & Ingest

Load tabular data (e.g. CSV, Excel) with drag & drop. Alternatively, ingest from database* directly. bergamot_ai features a modern and user-friendly interface to configure how data is technically interpreted. And, more experienced users customize data parsing to their needs.


bergamot_ai automatically selects data prep steps based on what’s needed for successful model training. Comparatively advanced users choose from a wide range of predefined transformation steps. In either case, enjoy hassle-free preparation of uploaded data for machine learning models.

ML Model Training

Top-notch Machine Learning models are trained with ease of a single button click. In addition, users might select e.g. which features to exclude or what metric to optimize to. Furthermore, bergamot_ai focuses on explainable models that perform well for a variety of analytical use cases.

Model Analysis

After training, a metrics report is generated by default, e.g. with confusion matrix and ROC chart. Aggregate KPIs show performance of each AI model. Additional analytical technologies like e.g. “SHAP values” generate business insights within minutes.

Deploy & Infer

Users are able to infer predictions from the models directly from the bergamot_ai interface. Alternatively, they deploy a model with REST API endpoint by a single button click.

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Transform your business challenge to a data-driven solution with us. We are happy to learn about your needs. Contact us today.